1: John Britton, Architectural Antiquities [English]
2: Medals of Louis the Great [France, King Louis XIV]
3: Vincent Capraro Portfolio [Cyrano de Bergerac]
4: Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick [Ancient Armour]
5: Engravings Icones Imperatorum Romanorum [Roman]
5A: Engravings Icones Imperatorum Romanorum [Roman]
6: Shita-E Drawings, Samuel Newsom Collection [Japan]
7: Segar and Edmondson Genealogy Plates [Genealogy]
8: Giovanni Battista Piranesi Engravings [Antiquity]
9: C. Lasinio Copper Plate Etchings [Religious, OT]
10: C. Lasinio Copper Plate Etchings [Religious, OT]
11: C Lasinio Copper Plate Etchings [Religious, Death]
12: C. Lasinio Copper Plate Etchings [St. Rainerius]
13: English Copper Engraving [Chinese, Jugangu]
14: Jakob Alt Lithograph Portfolio [Danube River]
15: After John Gould Color Lithographs [Humming Birds]
16: Two-Sided Illuminated Manuscript [Persian]
17: Two-Sided Illuminated Manuscript [Persian]
18: Two-Sided Illuminated Manuscript [Persian]
19: Two-Sided Illuminated Manuscript [Persian]