1: Words and Places by Isaac Taylor 1875
2: Before Photocopying by Rhodes and Streeter
2A: (7) Archives Dedicated to Early Manuscript Copies
2B: Thomas Jefferson and His Copying Machine 1984
3: Fore-Edge Painting: Shakspeare 1823
4: The Art of Limmng, Thomas Purfoot 1605
5: Book of Hours; 4 pp. (2 leaves) 1506
6: Johannis Scapulae Lexicon 1665
7: Horning Into Africa by W. S. Van Dyke 1931 Signed
7A: Genius And The Mobocracy Frank Lloyd Wright Signed
8: I Fiori Geometrici. Guido Grandi 1729
8A: 19 Stories by Graham Greene Signed Book
9: Fred Machetanz (2) Alaskan Books Signed
10: Parleyings; Robert Browning 1887
11: Les Contenances de la Table, Tomasik 2006
12: The Spirits Touchstone, 1657
13: Madame La Comtesse Du Barri (5 V) 1829
14: Collected Works of William Morris 1910-1915 Ltd.
14A: The Life of William Morris (2 V) 1899
15: El Camancho (2) Teepee Tales with Manuscripts