
清 乾隆 御制西藏青铜双身密集金刚坐像

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Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Tibetan Copper Group of Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra

Guhyasamaja seated in dhyanasana on a double lotus base with beaded rims, wearing a sanghati incised with delicate floral motif and embracing Sparsavajri in his arms, representing the primordial union of wisdom and compassion. With her legs wrapped around his waist, each with a vajra and bell in their primary hands and various implements in their secondary hands, their central faces gazing at each other, surmounted by foliate tiaras and high chignons topped with finials. Both hold the same attributes underlining the concept of symmetry on which to meditate, as it is suggested that all physical and mental phenomena have a symmetrical nature.

(故宫博物院藏: 雍和宮藏密集金刚像, 工藝與此件相似,可做參考。) 见附图
Beijing Palace Museum Collection: Lama Temple's Guhyasamaja , similar to this statute) see picture attached

  • Height: 34½ in (87.6 cm)
    Weight: 36,741g

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